Sunday, December 9, 2007

being and doing

"Life is not about doing, but about being. About being who God intended you to be"

i get so caught up in the doing this doing that routine,

that i forget to take time to be.

just be loved, just be talked to, just sit and be listening.

just be held, just be crying, just being alone, just being together.

so much that i miss out on life cause i'm busy doing.

that's what we've made life.

we do everything in hopes of one day not having to do anything.

working for the weekend, working for retirement.

we miss out on the miracles in daily life, miss out on the glimpses of heaven.

it is good to have your eyes on the goal,

but keeping your eyes on the world around you is just as awarding as crossing the finish line.

tonight i'll be underneath stars but probably won't look up.

it's great (sarcastic)

just get up and do and forget everyone around me,

the less i interact with them the more i can get done.

just out of my way.

i love people, and i love being with others.

tomorrow i'll focus on that.

at work, just being with my co-workers.

and in every and anyway possible

letting them know they are loved by me

and by God.

not in that order.

here goes tonight
