Wednesday, October 15, 2008

1 John 1

i watched some of the debate tonight.
it was good, i guess.
i don't know what a perfect debate looks like,
so i have no way to gauge this one.
3/4's of the way through i had to shower.
while in the shower, i thought about how frustrated politics make me.

i don't know if i can trust the candidates,
don't know if they will keep their word.
don't know about half the stuff they are talking about.
this bill, that vote,
free trade here, health care policy there.
its all very subjective and completely confusing.

but in my angst against politics i realized that God,
my God,
does not waver.
He doesn't side with special interests groups,
He doesn't contradict himself, no flip-flopping.
He doesn't mince words, doesn't stutter,
has no moderator that tells Him when His time is up.

He is consistent.
strong, everlasting,
loving, just, true,

there is no way ever,
that i could've taken the moderator's chair
and asked the questions.
no way they would have let me in.
i will, most likely, never get to talk to either candidate
face to face.
i will never know who they truly are.

not only can i know God's heart
by reading His word,
but He waits for me.
He wants me to know Him,
He wants me to spend time with Him
and asking Him difficult questions.

He is so beautiful.
before i was created, He loved me.
He loves me when i turn my back on Him,
and He will always love me.

He is why i sing,
and walk.
He gives me air to breathe
and the chest to breathe it in.
1 John 1
John was with Christ and saw Him through His death, resurrection and ascension. He writes this letter to counter the false-teachers coming into churches with doctrine stating that we can have a relationship with God and still walk in sin. They believed the psychical body was evil and/or worthless so they could gratify their lusts because the flesh would eventually be destroyed. One of John's themes in the majority of his books is light vs darkness. In darkness, good and evil appear the same. When light enters, everything is revealed. Darkness cannot exists in light. God is light. He is the only way to be lead out of our dark states, to clean our dark hearts. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) If we confess that we are dark, the light will cleanse us. It will reveal all that is wrong, evil, perverted in our souls. The only remaining thing is our battle against these dark holes in our hearts. Just because we are Christians does not mean we are free from sin. Our confession of sin after our accepting Christ as our Saving Grace, does not keep us from losing our salvation. Our salvation is intact in Christ. Our repentance is our recognition that we have sinned and are not hiding it from ourselves our God, agreeing with God that our sin is wrong, it is sin, and our willingness to forsake it and bringing into the light our tendency of sinning and relying on God to help us overcome it. God cannot be with sin. When we sin it separates us from God. Light cannot exist with dark. If we bring darkness into light, we have become dark and no longer part of the light. We confess our sin to enjoy the maximum fellowship with God.

