Sunday, September 16, 2007

my problem with me

i lust over little
i lust over much
better on some days
on others just not

i want what i see
and i feel it will make me complete
when i fact i need nothing
more over what i can't see

i speak of love
to share and to have
when in reality i'm the worst
and rarely ever give

i'm so needy and tired
full of sin and rust
the wind blows the wrong way
and at the seams i bust

i fall back on myself
but my strength is so weak
i never pray on my knees
and Your wisdom i hardly seek

you brought along a love
so beautiful, so true
the very thought of her in my mind
leads me right back to You

you sent Your son to die
and you sent this angel to show me love
You forever live through me
until we are together above

her words like silk
soothe my hardened heart
i knew she was my future
from the very start

i can hold her so tight, till darkness fades
and tell her the depths of my mind
i trust with my life and fears
and she is the truest love the world could ever find

so thank you Father for creating that girl
who is know the most gorgeous woman that exists
I love her with all my heart
and i hope she knows she is dearly missed

this is dang long, purty long for even me
so sorry for taking your time
i love you baby and i can rest knowing this
i am yours and you are mine.

love you SNK from your JCL

sidenote: this is what you get when you get to running and you think of how everything reminds you of your love
