Tuesday, September 11, 2007


ok, my cell phone is literally hanging on by a wire.

i just got off work and the days possibilities seem endless. got a text from someone today and responded back to them, and so on and so forth and it just really pissed me off. some people just twist words or all together just don't listen. whatever, let it flow with the wind.

i'm playing bass tonight at FBCW. i'm excited, i haven't played for a youth group in awhile. and i'll be playing with all new people so it should be exciting.

work was fun today. i had to open so that meant that i had to wake up @ 5:00 am. but i got out at 1. my AGM and i pumped house music all day. it made time zoom by and i actually liked it alot more than i thought i would.

i noticed that i'm very music prejudice. i'm very particular about what i listen to. don't get me wrong, i love all types of music, but i'm specific about the message it sends. i can respect someone who is saying something with their music. i dislike bands who just play to play. you have been given a stage and a mic, do something other than doing nothing. i have been perusing the rap section lately. i like rap artists who say something other than, Party this! drink that! that serves no purpose other than to further enforce the stereotype rap has. friggin' love rap artists who have something to say. Mos Def, Pharoahe Monch, Beastie Boys, Talib Kweli just to name a few. really respect that.

also Francis Chan has been popping up around me lately. 2 of my good friends watch his video cast and they mentioned it to me @ 2 different occasions. he's good. touches on alot of subjects most pastors wouldn't. also on the list things i appreciate: pastors who preach from the Word. they take a scripture and teach, rather than taking a theme and finding verses to back it up. that is not seen anywhere in the Bible. just straight teaching of the Word. not necessarily saying thats wrong, just that i don't like it.

well going to go find something to chow down on.
