Saturday, December 8, 2007

brother/sister hood

It is not good for you to be alone. No one will see victory in the days to come if he/she stands alone. you will need true brother/sister hood, stated the Counselor as He brought one of the shining warriors over to me. It was right for you to confess and repent to God when you were convicted of sin, but you must also learn to confess your sin to your brother/sister. You must learn to pray for one another so that you may be fully healed, because your brother/sister is part of you, and you a part of him. If you are honest and real, you will sharpen one another and you will have fellowship. This is part of what it means to walk in the light.

I felt strong hands placed on my shoulders. The noble warrior, my brother, now standing next to me, was praying for me. It was humbling at first, but as I began to confess my sins to him, we were surrounded with an ever-increasing glorious light. The light became so bright that I could hardly see. Much to my astonishment, he totally identified with me and understood my struggles-and even the sin which wars against my soul. For he had some of the very same struggles as I.

We began to openly share our hearts with each other. I felt safe and understood. Then I prayer for him as he had for me-for his weaknesses to be perfected by the Father's power. We were refreshed, renewed and invigorated. We laughed together for some time.......We challenged each other, spurred each other on, and sharpened one another....I realized for the first time just how badly I needed brotherhood. To be alone in this war would be crazy. We needed each other.

We then committed to love and serve our great God and King, and to love and serve each other. We were comrades. We were in this thing together-through thick and thin we would defend one another. I was starting to understood my puspose and my mission-our mission.

Excerpt from "Snakes in the Lobby" by Scott Macleod

Good book.

Good weekend
