Sunday, December 16, 2007

my luck

had a great idea to go bike riding in this nice, unique weather we were experiencing,

so i got on my bike, put on a sweater, plugged my ipod in and took off.

had my keys with me to get back into the house.

i made my way to my compadres house and everything was going fine.

i started up an overpass and ate it.

fell all over the asphalt and just laughed.

no one saw me but i know it was funny.

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thank God for my sweater, if i hadn't had that on, my elbow would look bad.

and i'm missing a patch of hair on my right leg.


i made it to the aforementioned friends house and played some GH3

also watched the end to Lord of the Rings, forgot how good it was

on the ride back i realized i didn't have my keys.

i rode back and there they were, laying on the ground

where i had previously wiped out

once again i laughed out loud, alone

and it felt so good.

its cold outside and i can't be sad

i can only be happy that i have a bloodied thumb and good friends to laugh with

to know that God was laughing right there with me

cause i wiped out good.

oh and the soundtrack for tonight Jars of Clay/The Killers

they compliment each other very nicely

.you wouldn't think so.
