Saturday, April 5, 2008

time will tell/ July 28th

you can only run with the dogs before people start calling you a mutt,
i spoke tonight about summers ago and now i'm outside looking back in.
apple's rot, banana's turn black, friends move back to where they were,
i can think about working, actually do some, focus on school, focus on a game,
workout, eat better, ride bikes, throw football
but if you roll in the mud with the pigs, you'll eventually start rooting around for food


showbread - And The Smokers And Children Shall Be Cast Down

Under a light in Bethlehem I was sifting through the sand,
The saline burned my eyes, I was looking for your hand,
I gave up on myself, and left this pride disarmed,
I cried out “I’m alone!�? and found myself in your arms

Rest in me oh my love,
I have loved you before the world began,
Rest in me oh my love,
You will never to wander too far to reach my hand,
Did they not murder you?
Did they not see you die?
Hanging on a tree as the life had left your eyes,
Did we not torture you?
Smiling as you died,
Or is it that you killed death itself, and now you are alive?

i can't find a speck in me worth saving, when you find love chase it
follow it till the ends of the earth or until your heart falls off the edge
whats life for if you don't risk, not the board game RISK, i stink at that game

i'm sorry i killed you, it was so easy
just place my hand down and end everything you've done.
what if someone smacked me down, ended my life and loves
i'm sorry you no longer exist, i wish i could take it back

.july 28th-vampire day sukka's.
