Monday, September 8, 2008

getting edumacated

so i'm putting up this blog while i'm in class.
bored so i'm using the iPhone to its full capabilities.
i can't take these pixels anymore. dammit

i can't take this. there is so much more, but I can't look past what i see.
i just can't do this to myself. this can't happen again. and nothing i do tonight
will asuage this sick feeling in my stomach.

like i've been discovered wrong. i want to go buy a million books
and lock myself in my room. i want to escape my thoughts with other
people giving me thoughts to fill my head with. i'm sick

you would ask "what's wrong?" and i would answer that i'm worried that
i'm yesterdays news. what happened down here disappears as quickly
as the pain appeared.

i've been loosening my vocabulary and trying to work on trust. its all good
when company is around, but walk outside the door, and i can't see you.

all i can say is that i've ruined my days, and my nights are as equally dark. - c.l. Wegmann
