Thursday, September 4, 2008


"It is the oldest ironies that are still the most satisfying: man, when preparing for bloody war, will orate loudly and most eloquently in the name of peace. This dichotomy is not an invention of the 20th century, yet it is in this century that the most striking examples of the phenomena have appeared. Never before has man pursued global harmony more vocally while amassing stockpiles of weapons so devastating in their effect. The second world war- we were told-was The War To End Wars. The development of the atomic bomb is the Weapon to End Wars.
And yet wars continue." - Watchmen

this is an excerpt from the graphic novel Watchmen. i heard about this book while asking some friends about the movie that is coming out titled, Watchmen. it is based on this novel. i read some of it and felt obliged to buy it, its just that good. a graphic novel is just a beefed up comic book, but this is some grade-A reading.

the story, or what i've understood it to be so far, is about an fictional American society set in 1985. in this America, regular people have dawned costumes and taken justice in their own hands. it deals with these peoples problems and trials that have arisen because of their choices.

its good. like intriguing, stay up late till you fall asleep reading it good.

different note.

ever since McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, i've been paying attention to politics. i've been purty knowledgeable about whats going on, but when her name was announced, i actually wanted to pay attention.

i watched some of the RNC (republican national convention), wasn't too bad. only thing i didn't like was the commentary in between the speeches. after Mit Romney was done the reporters tore his speech apart and were questioning everything and just jerks. like seriously, if i got on stage and gave a speech about whatever, and when i was done all i heard were people talking about how i was wrong or what they didn't like, i would drag their lazy asses on stage and have them make a speech.

let me sit in your booth and pick apart your views and tell you why you are wrong.

at least wait a day or two.

what also bothers me is that you can get so many different viewpoints on anything varying from news channel to news channel. its sickening.

but that's politics. i just watched the speeches, and flipped the channel. if i liked the speech, i liked it. i didn't want to hear what dude with grey hair and some fancy mike on his head said about it. that was his opinion. i don't shove mine down his throat so show me some courtesy by not throwing yours at me.

Mike Huckabee was good. called Obama's experience into question. i think that is the major downfall to Obama. he's charismatic and can draw a crowd unlike any other politician, but he hasn't really done anything.

now my girl and i were having a discussion about politics and we shared our views on each side, we agreed here.....and disagreed there. once again, her opinion.....and i'm blessed to have a beautiful woman who can actually think for herself.

but all issues aside, i want someone who has experience. who has a record we can look back on. i wouldn't mind Obama going back to the Senate and making some moves. i don't want to vote for a president if i don't know who he is.

he can tell you who he is, but i can tell you that i can do a cartwheel. if you knew me, you'd know i never took gymnastics ever and have never shown any potential that i can perform any stunt remotely close to cartwheel.

Obama says he is going to bring change, but what has he done to show that. nothing. he hasn't been around long enough, i'd like some meat on my potential president's bones. i don't want someone who i'm hoping will be a good leader.

McCain has been through hell and back and has legislation under his belt. now while i might not agree with all the choices he's made, i know he passed laws. that he stands for something. not because he says he does, but because his track record shows this.

now, don't take away that i'm voting for McCain. only when i walk into the booth to vote, will i know for sure who's name i'm going to select.

and please don't assume i'm voting Republican. bump that. i'm going to vote for who i think is most qualified to run our country.

if that candidate happens to be on the Democrat ticket, then i'm voting for him.

i think, i know, these party lines do more to divide our country then anything else.

