Tuesday, October 23, 2007

turkey burger/apologize

two different subjects in one blog:

you asked for a turkey burger,

i thought thats all you wanted;

i forgot what you needed,

you needed someone to give you more than food,

you wanted someone to sit with you will you ate;

but its easier to buy you food and walk away,

i sure feel better without having to do anything.

you smelled awful and your head hug so low,

i wanted to tell you that you are loved,

but all i could do was stand aside;

your shoes were worn and your shirt was unreadable,

years of dirt and water had faded the once new logo to a black smudge,

you didn't need someone to step aside,

you needed someone to step in, and i moved out of your way.

you asked for a turkey burger and i gave you what you asked for,

but not what you needed.


you don't have to apologize to me,

i just wish you were hungry for this,

i wish i was hungry for this.

i know if you make time for would be for the best.

babe, i just want the best for you, always

i don't want to make you feel guilty, or wrong,

i just want you to have the best life possible.

now while i'm not psychically there, i still want to give you the best life

i love you honey, always will

from the first day we hung out in the parking lot for hours on end,

when we watched signs, sitting as far apart as any two could on my couch.

i'll always love you honey.

i just want the best for you.
