Thursday, September 13, 2007

it still oozes

yea my finger, is still bleeding. maybe if i stopped slamming it into things. maybe.

watched one of my best friends play some amazing softball only to lose the game. he made an amazing diving catch, but they still lost. whatever, just a game.

my class got canceled. after sitting in class for 30 minutes, we were told that class was canceled. i was so excited. some people around me were peeved, seeing as they drove 45 minutes to get to the class, but i got to go home and chill.

going to the beach tomorrow with my sis and my "diving for softball's" friend. should be nice. haven't been to the beach in awhile. the best times were when my girlfriend and i went. i remember the first time we went, some of her friends came along. we weren't really "official" yet, but it was still sweet. she found a spot by the inlet where the ocean smacks into the rocks. it is absolutely breathtaking. especially when the water is black as night and seems ever so ominous colliding over the rocks. its as if it were reaching out to drag you into its dark depths.


after the beach. my family is taking a trip to Busch Gardens. it will be fun getting away for a short time. its just what i need right now. and roller coasters only serve to make life more enjoyable.

talked to my girl alot today and i miss her more than ever. she is everything to me and i can't wait to see her. be up there in a month baby.

that's all i gots.
