Tuesday, September 25, 2007

so, again...

well i just got back from playing drums at FBCW and it was quite fun. i am currently jamming to some Stevie Ray Vaughan. very soothing, helps put everything in perspective.

honestly, i have been getting quite mad at the one i love. this distance is killer. it blows everything out of proportion and doesn't help anything. seriously, this is the worst pain i have yet to experience as a human. deep hurt. like in my skin, muscle everything. it permeates all that i am. now between the buried and me is in my ears. crazy people music, think that why it suites me so well. i could jam to this all day. i wish, i wish.

have been having long conversations on the phone with people i usually don't. it is a welcomed change. it crazy to see where i've come from last to this year. my friends, my relationships, my talents, just my life in general. a lot has changed and mostly for the good. yea, now that i think about it, all for good. i'm happy that i have good friends that care about me. its comforting to know.

well me thinks thats all i've got in my mind.
